Evaluating Recruiting Consulting firms' Anticipatory strategies - From the viewpoint of their clients


  • 1Ms. Arpitha M.P, MBA, (PhD), 2Dr. S. Harish Babu, MBA, MPhil, PhD Author


Employing a vendor, subcontractor, or other third party to handle business operations is known as outsourcing. When these corporate processes are carried out by a foreign nation, it's called offshore outsourcing. After making steady progress in the 1990s and continuing to be one of the main emerging markets in the new millennium, outsourcing has now grown into a significant industry of its own. Outsourcing has become a valuable tool for tactical management and gaining a strategic advantage over competitors in the era of internet-based global e-commerce businesses. Identifying and evaluating HR Consulting firms' anticipatory strategies from the viewpoint of their clients, who are dispersed throughout Bangalore, is an attempt. For this study, a total of fifty clients were selected at random. Employing a survey approach, clients of HR consulting firms (recruitment outsourcing) are given a structured questionnaire schedule. The information gathered is then examined using Chi-square analysis and descriptive statistics.







How to Cite

Evaluating Recruiting Consulting firms’ Anticipatory strategies - From the viewpoint of their clients. (2024). Boletin De Literatura Oral - The Literary Journal, 11(1), 270-273. https://www.boletindeliteraturaoral.com/index.php/bdlo/article/view/877